Friday, November 8, 2013

The Art of Leaving

Lasts.  They are happening often these days.  Last Halloween.  Last Daylight Savings.  Last birthdays in the States.

This topic starting spinning around in my head and I was sitting outside with Elden.  Elden ran away from me, up the driveway and turned about 20 ft. away, big smile on his face.  He was so proud of himself.  So proud that he could walk away and be his own person.  And I thought, "This is the rest of their life.  They spend it leaving.  Enter life as a newborn, helpless and are still very much a part of mom.  Then they roll.  Then they crawl.  Then walk.  Then run.  Then ride bikes.  Then (usually) head to school :).  Have friends.  Gain independence.  And they're off to college."

It was such a reality that these kids are very much NOT mine.  I raise them to live their own lives.  I get them for a short time but I am constantly training them to make right decisions, respond rightly to situations, think through their beliefs and values and eventually send them out as a light into a world of darkness.

It's a good reminder that they will not always be around.  That they will go on to live their own lives.  That one day my house will again be quiet, things will stay where I put them, I will go to the bathroom alone.  It's a good reminder to enjoy the "lasts".

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