Thursday, December 10, 2015

Doors Opened

Recently, if you receive our newsletter, you would have seen that lots of amazing things are happening with our work with the Jesus Film.  It has been wonderful and humbling to watch the Lord open doors in many different countries, creating contacts and ties for Curt to work with.

One huge thing, in just the last week, is the Lord opening doors among the people we live with!!  The heads of a few of the HUGE malls in town decided that, since most of the world celebrates Christmas, they would like to bring Christmas here as well.  Of course, for a mall, that means money. They could sell gifts and decorations and all the material stuff that comes with Christmas, if only they could get the people into the holiday.

Like most Asian countries, Christmas doesn't exist here.  No decorating.  No gift giving.  No music.  No holiday. December 25th is the same as July 3rd.  BUT if people learned about the holiday, maybe they could get into it, which would mean profits :).

Well, you can imagine how the Lord orchestrated this one!  In order for people to learn about the holiday, they need to learn about the Savior.  They need to hear how God sent His Son to be born here on earth.  How Emmanuel came to dwell among us!!

So, these bigwigs invited our organization to come and share at big events in their malls.  "Come," they said.  "Come and tell the people what Christmas is all about.  They need to know."  Yes, they do.  Along with sharing at their Christmas events, Jesus Films will be given out as gifts.  So, Curt is spending a lot of time these days burning DVDs.  Praise the Lord!

Along with the praises come the need for prayer.  Our family has undergone a lot of trials, as I alluded to in the last blog.  Just yesterday, Zoya spent the day in bed with a migraine.  It was her 5th birthday.  We skipped her birthday and celebrated today instead.

Just to name a few other things that have happened in the last 8 weeks:

  • 3 personal computers has issues and took hours of Curt's time to work on.  As you know, our kids do school online so this was a big deal.  One actually had to be mailed FedEx back to Apple in the States to be repaired.
  • Zoya came down with a really, really bad ear infection that eventually required a trip to the hospital to resolve.
  • The kids brought home 2 new kittens they found.  One was hit by a car and killed.  One was attacked by dogs and wound up in surgery with a broken jaw (she's doing great).
  • Our third cat got attacked by a cat and had a deep gash in her tail.  She is stuck inside, walking around in a cone to keep the bandage on.
  • Elden broke his leg, which, thankfully, the cast will be off in just 3 more days!!
  • our householder has been having problems at home and has need to miss work.  This is very hard on her.
I am thankful for good hospitals and good vets.  But we are pretty exhausted from the constant pressure.  Pretty much weekly, something else goes wrong.  We praise the Lord that we have Him to fight our battles for us!  We would covet your prayers over our family!!

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